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The Entanglement Nexus of Awareness featured in Technica Curiosa

Featured in Technica Curiosa it is examined how Brown’s ‘Entanglement Nexus of Awareness’ postulate reveals some key insights into the nature, source, and role of consciousness in the universe. Based on his recent study detailing the unified spacememory network, it examines how information dynamics of the fundamental-most substratum of nature emerges as a component of quantum spacetime architecture. This is taken in consideration with the ER = EPR holographic equivalence conjecture that suggests an intrinsic correspondence of micro-wormholes with quantum entanglement, such that spacetime is built-up from entanglement and providing a physical and ontological explanation for nonlocality observed in quantum behavior. Together, these concepts describe an architecture of spacetime that is built from information and quantum entanglement through a micro-wormhole network. It is shown how the unified spacememory network is pivotal to engendering fundamental characteristics of awareness that are actively utilized in the macromolecular information systems of the biological organism.

William’s feature in the recent issue of Face The Current Magazine. The magazine is available online via Face the Current; and the William’s feature can be accessed directly at Illuminating Insights: Exploring Life’s Mysteries with Biophysicist, William Brown.

In these unified science reviews we often focus on experiments and theories advancing unified physics, which is a mathematical and conceptual unification of all forces, constants, properties, dynamics and interactions of matter and energy from the quantum to the cosmological scale. But we are interested in much more than just the field of physics; one of the reasons that we refer to unified science is because we are actively extending the concept of unified physics to include a unified description of all organized matter in the universe, which extends beyond just quantum physics and relativity and into chemistry, biology, psychology, complex systems, and intelligence in the universe.

So, for example, we can look at the dynamics of quantum gravity operational in the biological system, where the underlying spacetime geometry of quantum entangled wavefunctions of macromolecules direct the biochemical networks of the cell and the coupled information exchange of the biological system with the universal information network of spacememory, where nonlocal signals are quasi-instantaneously exchanged regardless of distance in space or time via micro-wormholes manifesting as quantum tunneling dynamics. Our work to unify science may be a bit ahead of its time, as more conventional scientists most probably view quantum gravity and biology as two separate and distinct worlds, having nothing to do with each other. Of course, this is the fallacy of a myopic and non-syncretic perspective, and observational science and experiment will, in time, come to show the indelible and innate link between these two domains, and indeed the innate interconnection of all domains within the universe; a world-view perspective that we refer to as The Connected Universe.

In exploration of this key concept, we will explore here the understanding that intelligence in the biological system is not restricted to a complex central nervous system, like the brain. Processing of environmental information and information of internal states--- generating intelligent directionality of cellular operations--- resides at a much more primordial level than neuronal networks, at the heart of the cell in the genetic, morphogenic, and metabolic molecular networks of the cell, which necessarily operate at the quantum level and hence involve nonlocal dynamics of the wavefunctions.

Since the demonstrable intelligence we observe in neuronal activity evolutionarily emerges from the intelligence of the molecular networks of the cell, which possesses the same quality of information processing normally only attributed to entire neuronal networks, as a result of being a holo-fractal system with scale-free cognitive function, we should not be surprised to find intelligence operational within the genetic machinery of the living system, as it is the morphogenic networks– the trans-temporal information exchange in the spacememory network– that are the ultimate root of intelligence in the organism.

The June session's Unified Science Review was based on the RSF articles:

'Study Reveals Indications of Environmental Sensing by Genetic Apparatus Driving Non-Random Mutation for Directional Adaptation' -

'Convergent Function of Retrotransposons in Octopus Brain Drive Sophisticated Cognitive Capabilities' -

and 'Study Finds Human Gene Linked to larger Brains Arose from Non-Protein Coding ("Junk") DNA' -

June 2023 Unified Science Review Part 2

In this session, Resonance Academy professor William Brown reviews recent empirical and theoretical advancements in the astrophysics of supermassive black holes. Specifically, observational evidence for the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback dynamics in shaping the properties, characteristics, and development of host galaxies. As well, a discussion on intrinsic black holes, also known as primordial black holes, and the role of black holes as a key link in unifying macrophysics and microphysics.


Resonance Academy professor William Brown reviews recent advancements in unified physics: learn about the theoretical and empirical basis behind the ubiquitous energy of quantum vacuum fluctuations, or zero-point energy density, an experiment that directly demonstrates particle generation from the quantum vacuum, and an experiment that leverages the intrinsic entanglement of the quantum vacuum to teleport energy between two quantum systems.

The RSF original article on which the presentation is based can be accessed at the Resonance Science Foundation site at- Quantum Energy Teleportation Protocol, and Schwinger Effect Observed for the First Time

Resonance Academy Faculty member William Brown reviews recent advancements in unified physics: learn about a recent experiment with a "wormhole on a chip", or quantum gravity in the lab. Gain a better understanding about the holographic principle in unified physics, and how the generalized holographic principle gives us solutions to quantum gravity.

The RSF original article on which the presentation is based can be accessed at the Resonance Science Foundation site at- Traversable Wormhole Teleportation Protocol


We get into some interesting discussions on this one:

If you’re familiar with Nassim Haramein’s Resonance Science Foundation, you might also be familiar with William Brown. William is a biophysicist and research scientist at the Resonance Science Foundation where he performs theoretical development and experimental research to better understand the physics of complex, self-organizing systems, particularly the biological system.

Today he drops in on THC to explain what’s different about a quantum biology approach to health & wellness, the diverse role of viruses in the larger world, panspermia, & the clues he sees in our genetic code that speak to some potential alien tinkering.

Check out Torus Tech for their ongoing implementation of Nassim’s work into real world technology.


William’s Book

Unified Physics and the Information Nexus of Awareness


The Hidden Power of DNA

What does it mean to be human? Is it something in our molecules or our unique expression of consciousness? The answer to these questions lies hidden within our DNA. William Brown explains how the unused DNA in our bodies can be unlocked to reveal the greatest secrets of being human and our connection with the universe in this interview with Regina Meredith.

William Brown is a biophysicist and research scientist at the Resonance Project Foundation and Hawai’i Institute for Unified Physics. He investigates the biophysics of living organisms to understand how biological system interface with a universal information matrix at the molecular level. This has led to a revolutionary way of viewing the biological system with remarkable implications for therapeutics and regenerative applications..